
Aragorn suffers the consequences of his actions. Sequel to "It Seemed Like a Good Idea". Rated G.
Searching for a Home
Aragorn muses about his home. Rated G.
It Seemed Like a Good Idea

Aragorn's plan backfires. Rated PG.
One Change
Our lives are a series of events. What happens if the outcome one of those events is changed? Rated PG13.
The Miracle
Severely injured, Aragorn curls up under a bush thinking he will have to suffer and perhaps even die alone but then, he gets
a miracle. Rated G.
Overcoming Prejudices
Things go badly for the elves of Mirkwood and their only salvation may come in the form of a ranger of the north. Will the woodland king swallow his pride and ask for help? Rated PG.
A Friendship Broken
After a terrible accident
Aragorn wants nothing to do with a loyal friend. Can his family help him see
the error of his ways before it is too late? Rated PG for a scary scene.
The Road Goes On and On
Aragorn and Legolas in a small and dark place. A combination of
characters and event which is sure to lead to an adventure or two. Rated G.
Blood of a Brother: The Cost of Victory
Aragorn has fought hard to
see his dreams come true but when his victory costs the life of one of those closest to him he wonders if the sacrifice was
worth the price. A 2005 mithril quarter finalist! Rated PG for character death.

Council of a Father
A Fill-in-the-blank story
of the aftermath of the Council of Elrond (book version). How did Elrond choose
who would go and who would stay home? Rated G.
The Age Old Question
Legolas finally finds out
the answer to a question which has been plaguing him his entire life. Rated G.
A Matter of Honor
An uneventful day in Rivendell
takes a surprising twist. Rated PG.
A Soul's Sorrow
This is my personal favorite
even though it is very short. This tale depicts what Legolas’ thoughts
could have been when he saw the destruction around Isenguard. Rated G. A Mithril Awards Semi-finalist 2005!

Between Father and Son
This short series (2 stories)
was originally titled Addendum to The Love of a Father but I decided it needed it’s own original title. This series features Legolas and Thranduil and the challenges which face them when the prince befriends
a man. Rated G.
The Love of a Father
This link will take you to
a separate page with it’s own series of links so do not be alarmed you are not transported instantly to a story. This is a collection of short stories written to showcase the love of Elrond for his
children. Stories range from G to PG13.
Won best story featuring Elrond and the twins in the 2004 Mellon Chronicles fiction contest.

The Price of Being King
Life is a series of choices,
but every choice has a consequence. The newly crowned king of Gondor must make
a choice, the consequence of which will affect Middle Earth for eternity. Slightly
AU. Rated a very conservative PG for tense situations involving lovable animals.
The Regatta
This was my first story and
it shows! It is a fun little diversion if you are feeling stressed and want to
read a little piece of nonsense. It is a fun time with three young elves, a ranger,
boats and baby frogs. Rated G.